3. Review and Customize

After completing both the Title Metadata and Languages tabs, use the Review and Customize tab to review and edit all metadata fields by territory, language, and retailer.

Please Note: This section allows for very specific changes to a title’s metadata for a certain language, territory, and/or retailer. Changes do not need to be made on this page. For example, if the French metadata for Switzerland on iTunes needs to be unique from all other French metadata, this section allows the flexibility to make these updates.

To refine a search, select a territory, language and/or retailer from the drop-down menus.

The Review and Customize tab will now display all metadata associated with the defined parameters. This information is auto-filled with what would appear on a storefront based on the territory/language/retailer chosen.

Hover over the  icon next to any field to display a window with definitions, explanations, or suggested actions (Protips).

For more information about any of the above fields, click here for the glossary.

To make changes to any field, click  next to the field and type in the text box provided.

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