
This section displays the payment information for all titles and retailers.

The dashboard at the top of the page displays current payment information for all titles.

  • Total Earned: The total net sales that Quiver has received from all retailers that are due to you, the Quiver client.
  • Total Net Paid: The total amount that Quiver has already paid you, the Quiver client.
  • Total Deductions: The amount that Quiver keeps from the "Total Earned" to cover certain expenses. These deductions occur when:
    • A Quiver user has a special contract that includes revenue share, or
    • A Quiver client chooses certain reimbursement options (e.g. Check, Wire Transfer). 
  • Total Outstanding: The amount that Quiver has yet to pay you, the Quiver client.
    • "Total Earned" - "Total Net Paid" - "Total Deductions" = "Total Outstanding"
  • Total Titles - The total number of unique titles distributed through Quiver.
  • Avg. Earnings/Title - The average revenue from sales of all titles distributed through Quiver.

By default, the table displays payment information for the current month with the most recent payment listed first. To change the date range of payments displayed, select a payment date range from the Payments Made in: field. When finished, click .

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