Detailed Actual Earnings - Monthly

This section provides all of the filters, graphs, and tables that the iTunes Estimated Sales - Daily section provides, but with actual earnings data for all titles on all retailers.

The dashboard at the top of the page displays current payment information for all titles.

  • Total Earned: The total net sales that Quiver has received from all retailers that are due to you, the Quiver client.
  • Total Net Paid: The total amount that Quiver has already paid you, the Quiver client.
  • Total Deductions: The amount that Quiver keeps from the "Total Earned" to cover certain expenses. These deductions occur when:
    • A Quiver user has a special contract that includes revenue share, or
    • A Quiver client chooses certain reimbursement options (e.g. Check, Wire Transfer). 
  • Total Outstanding: The amount that Quiver has yet to pay you, the Quiver client.
    • "Total Earned" - "Total Net Paid" - "Total Deductions" = "Total Outstanding"
  • Total Titles - The total number of unique titles distributed through Quiver.
  • Avg. Earnings/Title - The average revenue from sales of all titles distributed through Quiver.

The tool provides several filters to help navigate through the Financial information on this page. To display actual earnings data, select the desired filters and click . It's also possible to display actual earnings data for all titles by simply clicking  without setting any filter parameters.

By default, the tool displays the current month's actual earnings unless a date range was included in the filter selections.

To view actual earnings within a different date range, click the desired range.

After selecting a date range, the tool will display the estimated gross sales and net sales for the selected date range.

  • Gross Sales - The estimated total revenue from all iTunes sales/rentals based on the retail price charged for each transaction.
  • Net Sales - The estimated revenue that a content owner will receive after iTunes take their cut. This is the amount Quiver returns to you.

The Daily Sales graph displays actual earnings for all titles. The x-axis represents dates and the y-axis represents net sales (in US dollars). The graph defaults to a line chart, but users can also see data in a bar graph. 

Hover over the bars or nodes on the graph to view more information about each bar or line node. Use the mouse scroll to zoom in/out of the graph. Click and drag the graph left/right to move through the graph's timeline.

To download a daily revenue CSV, click  below the graph.

The Title Sales table displays sales breakdowns by title.  Results are ordered by title with the title with the highest Total Gross Sales listed first.

The table can be sorted by:

  • Title
  • Transactions - The total number of times a title was bought and/or rented.
  • Total Gross Sales - The total revenue earned from iTunes for a title based on the retail price charged for each transaction.
  • Total Net Sales - The revenue for a title that a content owner will receive after iTunes takes their cut. This is what Quiver returns to you.
  • Gross EST Sales - The total revenue earned by iTunes for a title based on the retail price charged for each EST transaction.
  • Gross VOD Sales - The total revenue earned by iTunes for a title based on the retail price charged for each VOD transaction.
  • Net EST Sales - The revenue for a title's EST sales that a content owner will receive after iTunes takes their cut. This is what Quiver returns to you.
  • Net VOD Sales - The revenue for a title's VOD sales that a content owner will receive after iTunes takes their cut. This is what Quiver returns to you.

To download a title sales CSV, click  below the table.

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