Order Review

After completing the Order step of the order placement process, a  green check appears next to that step on the order's dashboard.

To access the Order Review page, click .

To download a PDF version of the Order Review, click  in the top-right corner of the page.


The Order Review page is divided into 5 sections:

1. Order Dashboard

This view breaks down the retailers, territories, and languages associated with the order, as well as the completion status of required metadata and file delivery. The charts only include information from the selected order. Hover the mouse pointer over a section of a pie chart to reveal what that section represents.

2. Quiver Contract

To download the order's contact, click .

3. Order Review

The Order Review section matches the order breakdown seen in Step 6 of the order creation process. The order review displays how much each section of the order costs. These totals are generated from Pricing Breakdown in Step 5.

To view more details about any of the sections, e.g. retailer or territory, click the arrow next to that section.

The PRICE column will now break down how much each part of that section costs.

This is a convenient way to see how the total cost is calculated. 

4. Territories

The Territories section matches the territories seen in Step 3 of the order creation process. This section displays all territories included in the order, and each territory's Sales Model and Retailers.


5. Assets

The Assets section matches the selections made in the Files section of the order placement process. This section displays all assets associated with the order and how those assets were delivered to Quiver (i.e. whether the files were shipped or uploaded to the Quiver platform).

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