Forced Narrative vs. Subtitles

Quiver prefers to receive textless feature and trailer files. Customers don't want to see burned-in text in a language that they don't understand. Textless files are void of all burned-in subtitles and descriptive text. Textless files still include both the title card and all opening/closing credits.

Ancillary subtitle and forced narrative files can be added to an order in Step 4 of the order creation process.


Subtitles translate all dialogue in a feature or trailer into another language. For example, if a film's cast speaks German throughout, an English subtitle file would translate all dialogue into English. Subtitles must cover all dialogue that doesn't match the subtitle file's language.

Where to add

Both required and optional subtitle files can be added to an order in Step 4

1. Required

If a language was selected in Step 3 that isn't the feature's original spoken locale, feature subtitles will be required for that language. These subtitles are located in the Required section of Step 4, under Closed Captions and Subtitles.

2. Optional

Quiver offers the option to add feature and trailer subtitles for the original spoken language of the film. These subtitles are located in the Optional section of Step 4, under Subtitles -> Feature and Subtitles -> Trailer

If a language was selected in Step 3 that isn't the feature's original spoken locale, trailer subtitles will be optional for that language. These subtitles are located in the Optional section of Step 4, under Subtitles -> Trailer.

Forced Narratives

Forced narrative files can serve two purposes: Foreign Dialogue Translation and Descriptive Text.

1. Foreign Dialogue Translation

If portions of the film have dialogue in a language other than the film's main audio language, then a forced narrative file would translate these sections. For example, if a film's cast speaks German throughout, but there is a 5-minute scene with English dialogue, a German forced narrative file would translate this dialogue into German.

2. Descriptive Text

Descriptive text includes any text that adds to the story (e.g. 'France 1890' or 'Later that day'). Instead of burning in this text to a file, Quiver prefers to receive a separate text file that includes all descriptive text. For more information about forced narrative file requirements, click here.


Where to add

Forced Narratives in the original spoken language can be added to an order in Step 4 for both the feature and trailer. These forced narratives are located in the Optional section of Step 4, under Subtitles -> Feature and Subtitles -> Trailer.

If a language was selected in Step 3 that isn't the feature's original spoken locale, feature and trailer forced narratives will be optional for that language. These forced narratives are located in the Optional section of Step 4, under Audio -> Dub Audio - Feature and Audio -> Dub Audio - Trailer.

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